What is there to say?
Well, I'm Elin, I'm 15 years old from Sweden. I've had a few Swedish blogs before, they've all been rubbish, and I hope this one will be better. I think it will, cause this one will be more personal than the others, more real...
So if you're supposed to get to know me, the most important thing for you to know about is my problems. My biggest problem is my weird on-and-off eating disorder, I know I have it, since it is on and off. Right now I'm not suffering from it, but I do a lot. I can look myself and feel so fat, after dinner I can go straight to the bathroom and throw up the little I just ate. On my bad days I skip both breakfast and lunch and throw up my dinner. But at times like these when I'm not suffering from it that much I can tell you that I'm far from fat, I'm 5"7' and I weight 105 lbs, and I've got a BMI of a 5 year old. I want to get rid of these anorectic/bulimic thoughts, but it's hard, I've lived with them for a while now... But as I said it comes and goes. One day I'm feeling perfectly fine, the other day I feel like a fat cow.

since this pic was taken I've lost a bit more
weight, and as you can see I'm not fat at all.
I know that I will disagree with that some day
but right now I can tell you the truth...
That's all I've got to say now, I need to try to get some sleep, I'm trying to fight my insomnia.
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ReplyDeleteWhen you try to sleep, don't move and focus on something good things or good memories... then you can sleep..
ReplyDeleteAnd you're not fat and you're beautiful girl..
Don't be Shy~